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HR Power


We have years of relevant experience, which is why SMEs turn to us for:


  • HR advice

  • Payroll support: payroll administration, time registration, performance management, time credit…

  • Operational HR support: policies, contracts, regulations, onboarding policy, performance reviews, wage optimisation, training, internal and external HR communication…

  • Support for the selection, recruitment and internal advancement: we use the Thalento® Personality & Motivation Questionnaires and Skills Tests for this. Our ‘Full & Half Power assessments’ are also based on the Thalento® tool.

  • Team mentoring, individual coaching, stress and resilience training, on-site training

  • Objective advice and support from an independent social-legal expertise centre for SMEs

In short, we are there to answer any HR questions you may have, with the necessary expertise. HR Power can assist your company as a part-time additional HR employee, offer back-up support to your current HR team or as a full-time employee, replacing a HR staff member who is sick.


We are experienced, no-nonsense HR professionals who believe that SMEs should also be able to rely on tools that are useful, price-conscious and user-friendly. As we are convinced that Thalento® offers added value for SMEs, we have joined forces with them, as our Partner in Flanders.


We prefer personal contact and custom solutions. We will gladly explain our HR services and the Thalento® tool to you in person.

HR Power


Bart Menschaert
+32 (0) 479 570 151


Maalderijstraat 4 – 9750 Kruisem


Talent Partner - Belgium


HR Power CEO

Bart Menschaert

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